General Meeting of Shareholders: Power to dismiss the corporate director

The Resolution of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, dated January 10, 2023, case number 6/2023 (ECLI:ES:APB:2023:212), analyzed the approval of a social action for liability directed at the directors appointed by the minority group. The Barcelona Court concluded that the challenged social agreement constituted an abuse, as its main objective was not so much to… Continue reading General Meeting of Shareholders: Power to dismiss the corporate director

Tax advisor: Change of criteria in the Spanish impatriate regime: employment income resulting from the shares granted to employees but generated prior to the transfer to Spanish territory is not subject to taxation in Spain

The General Directorate of Taxes, in its recent binding consultation V0813-23, dated April 5, 2023, sets forth a new criteria for taxpayers under the impatriate regime, with respect to the taxation of long-term remuneration programs granted before moving to Spanish territory (Share Incentive Plans, Performance Shares¸ Stock Options, etc.). In the following, we will summarize… Continue reading Tax advisor: Change of criteria in the Spanish impatriate regime: employment income resulting from the shares granted to employees but generated prior to the transfer to Spanish territory is not subject to taxation in Spain

Structural Modifications Law: Summary of the Royal Decree-law 5/2023

Royal Decree-Law 5/2023, dated June 28, will enter into force on July 29, 2023. This decree transposes the Mobility Directive and completely revokes Law 3/2009 on Structural Modifications of Companies. In the following, we will summarize the general aspects and the main changes introduced by this law. The new Structural Modifications Law The need to… Continue reading Structural Modifications Law: Summary of the Royal Decree-law 5/2023

Tax advisor: The contribution of the shareholders to the 118 Account of the General Accounting Plan: Recommended from a tax perspective?

The 118 Account is a useful accounting instrument for companies that need to solve financial or treasury problems when financing specific projects. However, it is common that shareholders choose this form of financing without understanding the true nature of this business. The purpose of this article is to clear up any doubts that may arise… Continue reading Tax advisor: The contribution of the shareholders to the 118 Account of the General Accounting Plan: Recommended from a tax perspective?

Commercial advisor: The contribution of the shareholders to the 118 Account of the General Accounting Plan: A flexible form of financing?

The 118 Account is a useful accounting instrument for companies that need to solve financial or treasury problems when financing specific projects. However, it is common that shareholders choose this form of financing without understanding the true nature of this business. The purpose of this article is to clear up any doubts that may arise… Continue reading Commercial advisor: The contribution of the shareholders to the 118 Account of the General Accounting Plan: A flexible form of financing?