B Law & Tax
03 April 2023

Tax advisor: savings of between 9 and 550 euros in Personal Income Tax based on income and region

This year, the taxpayers will enjoy savings of between 9 and 550 euros in Personal Income Tax depending on income and region. It is due to the measures taken by the government for those incomes that are smaller than 21,000 euros. Also, to increases in social contributions, deflations and regional redesigns of tax rates.

Main beneficiaries

Those who will benefit most from these measures will be incomes between 16,000 and 20,000 euros. Those who belong to this group of taxpayers, will save between 540 and 300 euros depending on the autonomous community.

Those with a minimum income of 100,000 euros will save an average of 150 euros. But the smallest advantages will be the taxpayers of 30,000 euros, with discounts less than 10 euros.

Differences between communities

Let us take an example: a single taxpayer, under 65 and without children with income exclusively from work. This profile, in the case of incomes of 16,000 euros, will have a more favorable situation to tax in the Valencian Community (fee payable of 314 euros). The Basque Country will be the opposite community, having to pay the one that meets this profile 1.207 euros. With revenues of 20,000 euros, Madrid has the best fiscal situation and Navarra the worst. With 30,000 euros, the Basque Country would be the cheapest region while Catalonia would be the most expensive.

Madrid has the best tax treatment also for those incomes of 110,000 euros, while these will be more damaged in the Valencian Community. Many of the tax benefits with limited collection costs are aimed at promoting the birth rate, supporting certain groups or favoring the environment.

As for Inheritance and Gift Tax, there are also very exaggerated differences in each autonomous community. For example, a 30-year-old bachelor who inherits goods worth 800,000 euros will pay up to 103,000 euros in taxes in Asturias. However, you will not have to pay anything in Galicia, Cantabria or Andalusia.

As for the taxes that tax wealth, outstanding are the bonuses to 100% in Heritage of Andalusia and Madrid and 50% in Galicia, although taxpayers will also have to pay during 2023 the Temporary Solidarity Tax on Large Fortunes.

B Law & Tax International Tax & Legal Advisors.


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