How are non-residents taxed on real estate capital gains?

In accordance with domestic legislation, specifically Royal Legislative Decree 5/2004, of 5 March, which approves the revised text of the Law on Non-Resident Income Tax (LIRNR), income obtained in Spanish territory is understood to be income obtained directly or indirectly from real estate located in that territory or from rights related to the same. The… Continue reading How are non-residents taxed on real estate capital gains?

Admission of displaced self-employed individuals to the Beckham Law: requirements and procedures

I. Eligibility requirements: Absence of previous residency in Spain: pursuant to current regulations, it is stipulated as a fundamental requirement for admission to the special regime of the Beckham Law for displaced self-employed individuals that the applicant has not been a tax resident in Spain in the five years preceding the displacement that prompts the… Continue reading Admission of displaced self-employed individuals to the Beckham Law: requirements and procedures

Fiscal changes in the new year whats in store for taxpayers in 2024?

The year 2024 brings significant fiscal changes that will impact taxpayers. From adjustments in taxes on rental properties to modifications in income tax declaration obligations, including the reinstatement of the Wealth Tax in certain regions and expansions in deductions for energy efficiency improvements and donations. Here are the key transformations that may affect taxpayers: More… Continue reading Fiscal changes in the new year whats in store for taxpayers in 2024?