B Law & Tax
04 April 2023

Tax advisor: The Temporary Solidarity Tax on Large Fortunes maintains differences between autonomous communities

The differences that exist between autonomous communities for the Temporary Solidarity Tax on Large Fortunes are causing unfair competition between them. Faced with the governmental plans, several regional Administrations try to ensure that this collection does not end up being transferred to the State.

Main differences between the autonomous communities

This new solidarity tax for the big fortunes presents, as we say, notable differences between communities. For example, in Madrid and in Andalusia the bonuses on the Wealth Tax are 100%, while in Galicia are 50%.

The communities shielded from the new tax will be those that have in patrimony a maximum rate of more than 3.5%. In Madrid and Andalusia, for example, a patrimony of 4 million euros would go from paying zero euros to about 5,100 euros in their community. In Extremadura the maximum rate remains at 3.75% and in the Balearic Islands at 3.45%; both communities are where the big fortunes must pay more money.

In Murcia, for example, very high assets may have to pay the new tax. With the same case of a citizen who owns 4 million euros, would pay 879.44 euros for Patrimony and 5,100 large fortunes to the State. However, the gap will be less noticeable when assets are higher. For example, with 15 million euros, in Madrid would go from not paying anything to having to pay 278,364 euros to the State.

Valencia raised the maximum rate to 3.75%; Catalonia at 3.48% and the Basque Country between 2-2.5%, where it can be said that citizens are better treated in fiscal terms.

B Law & Tax International Tax & Legal Advisors.


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