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Tax advisor:The National Court orders the refund of withholding taxes to foreign investment funds in Spain

The National Court has been resolving appeals filed by non-resident investment funds challenging the withholdings applied by the Tax Agency to dividends from Spanish companies. These withholdings, imposed at a rate of 15%, were deemed unfair compared to the 1% applied to similar institutions resident in Spain. As a result of the Supreme Court’s judgments… Continue reading Tax advisor:The National Court orders the refund of withholding taxes to foreign investment funds in Spain

Tax advisor: Fiscal Treatment of the Sale of shares in photovoltaic solar park development companies and its temporal allocation in the corporate income tax

Subsidiaries engaged in promoting photovoltaic solar parks are not considered holding companies, as they are involved in an economic activity. If these entities manage production resources or human capital to participate in the production or distribution of goods or services in the market, they may qualify for a tax exemption under Article 21 of the… Continue reading Tax advisor: Fiscal Treatment of the Sale of shares in photovoltaic solar park development companies and its temporal allocation in the corporate income tax

Tax advisor: According to the CJEU, the unauthorized removal of an excise goods from the suspension regime precludes tax exemption for the authorized warehousekeeper.

An Italian company engaged in the storage and transport of petroleum products was merged by absorption. As an authorized warehouse keeper, it made 196 shipments of hydrocarbons (diesel and gasoline) from its tax warehouse in Italy to a company in Slovenia, which was authorized to receive these products as a registered trader. However, the Customs… Continue reading Tax advisor: According to the CJEU, the unauthorized removal of an excise goods from the suspension regime precludes tax exemption for the authorized warehousekeeper.

Tax advisor: Is deduction the same as tax relief?

Deduct and deduct are two common terms in the context of Personal Income Tax (IRPF) that are frequently used. These terms relate to opportunities to reduce the amount of tax payable, something that the self-employed should understand. When we refer to the deduction in the income tax return, we are talking about the possibility of… Continue reading Tax advisor: Is deduction the same as tax relief?

Tax Advisor: Extension of the deductions in the Personal Income Tax of the Community of Madrid for 2023

Law 10/2023, of April 12th, which has been published in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid, has modified the Law of Madrid’s Assigned Taxes. The objective is to incentivize improvements in rental housing through the introduction of new deductions in the Personal Income Tax. New measures Among all the new measures we will… Continue reading Tax Advisor: Extension of the deductions in the Personal Income Tax of the Community of Madrid for 2023

Tax advisor: The bank certificate is sufficient to prove the loss due to the transfer of financial investments between related companies

The question that arises is the deductibility of losses due to the transfer of financial investments between related companies. The Administration has denied the deduction of the due to the bankruptcy of the related company, considering that the evidence provided by the plaintiff was insufficient. The Chamber considers that the subject matter of the appeal… Continue reading Tax advisor: The bank certificate is sufficient to prove the loss due to the transfer of financial investments between related companies

Tax advisor: Without business concealment, there is no simulation

According to the principles of the General Theory of Law, when a contract is entered into for a different purpose than the one normally attributed to it, a defect in the cause may arise. This situation can be divided into two types of contracts: those with a false cause, in which the parties do not… Continue reading Tax advisor: Without business concealment, there is no simulation

Tax advisor: The Supreme Court partially upholds the challenge on the derivations of joint and several liability of article 42.2 of the General Tax Act.

The Supreme Court ruled in appeal 3742/2021 on this matter. The objective was to establish whether, in cases in which a declaration of liability under article 42.2.a) of the General Tax Act is partially annulled by a court judgment, decreasing its scope, the tax administration has the obligation to issue a new declaratory act of… Continue reading Tax advisor: The Supreme Court partially upholds the challenge on the derivations of joint and several liability of article 42.2 of the General Tax Act.

Tax advisor: The correct benefit indicator to be computed in the Corporate Tax is the cost of personnel, being this the element that contributes the most added value to the final product

The Superior Court of Justice of Valencia has evaluated whether the valuation of the operations carried out by the Administration is correct, specifically in relation to the profit indicator used, which has been the cost of personnel. The appellant argues that the method of valuation of the net operating profit should be based on total… Continue reading Tax advisor: The correct benefit indicator to be computed in the Corporate Tax is the cost of personnel, being this the element that contributes the most added value to the final product